Business Model & Tokenomics
Details About The Flow of Revenue
Service Fees
To unlock all the incredible features on our NeoTech platform, trade assets, and explore our immersive virtual environments, holding $NEOT tokens is essential.
3D Scanning Services: Clients can pay for our 3D scanning services using $NEOT tokens. Prices are based on the token’s value at the time of purchase. Once the service is purchased, clients can create their own immersive experiences using our 3D models and list their assets on our proprietary marketplace.
Platform Access: Holding $NEOT tokens is required to access premium features on our platform, including advanced asset customization, high-resolution data viewing, and participation in exclusive events.
Profit Distribution
Investors: 10% of profit revenue is allocated for token buybacks to sustain growth and enhance token value.
Clients: Clients releasing their models on our platform receive 10% of the revenue generated by the sales of their assets listed on our marketplace.
Asset Owners: Asset owners can rent out their assets within our ecosystem, incurring a 10% fee based on the asset’s value at the time of rental.
Subscribers: Users can access un-owned or un-minted assets for a limited time using $NEOT tokens. There are three categories of assets and three tiers of subscription models available.
$NEOT Tokenomics
Total Supply: 250 million tokens
Tax: 0%
TEAM: 15%
Staking: 10%
KOL Round: 5%
*Tokens will be bought at launch and we will be purchasing tokens for the Future Ecosystem Growth
Vesting Timeline:
Team Vesting: 18 Months Linear vesting.
KOL: 10% TGE, then 15% each month for 6 months.
The $NEOT token will launch on the Ethereum (ETH) platform as an ERC-20 token, ensuring robust security and leveraging the widespread adoption of the Ethereum network for transactions and smart contract functionalities.
Last updated