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NeoTech Official Blurb: 🌍NeoTech: Sub 3cm macro multi-method city and RWA geo-referenced mapping stored on SSD DePin nodes hashed to ZKP ERC20 rollups as immersive metaverse experiences for retail and industry.

👀 NeoTech Vision: NeoTech is at the forefront of integrating real-world into Web3. By leveraging sub-3cm macro multi-method city and RWA geo-referenced mapping, our technology combines precise 360 high-quality scans and generates point clouds and usable 3D objects of entire cities, counties, and countries. This data is stored on SSD DePin nodes and hashed to ZKP ERC20 rollups, creating immersive experiences for retail and industry.

NeoTech's advanced technology allows businesses and investors to own and utilize detailed 3D and Point-Cloud representations of real-world assets. These assets are tokenized into tradable NFTs, creating opportunities for monetization in our forthcoming marketplace and interactive virtual platform.

📊Project Metrics: • 500 Cities Scanned • 25,000+ KM of Covered Area • 7 Countries Processed • 1,000+ Scans Ready for Deployment • Continuous Rendering in Progress

💰$NEOT Token: The $NEOT ERC-20 token is the core of the NeoTech ecosystem, enabling the acquisition and trading of real-world rendered assets within our platform.

💸Token Distribution ($NEOT) • 250m Total Supply • 100% released at launch • Allocations for staking, team, airdrop and liquidity purchased back on launch

🛠Token Utility: • Acquire or trade authentic 3D assets of real-world locations • Sell, buy, or rent properties within the ecosystem • Utilize your assets in the ecosystem for advertising purposes • Pay for custom scanning services using $NEOT • List your NeoTech-scanned assets on our marketplace • Benefit from token value appreciation as NeoTech generates revenue • Participate in voting to influence the project direction, including new collection releases, city scans, and feature additions • Hold $NEOT to access our exclusive platforms and services

💼Core Team: • Borsan Doru (Founder/CEO) • Christian Meier (CTO) • Steff Norbert (CPO) • Rene Lauk (Legal Advisor) • Tudor Coman (Chief of Strategy)

👁‍🗨Advisors: • Jon Dajc (TMSC CEO) • Russell Sean Brooks (Tectum CEO,) • Haider Al Ansari (TMSC CBDO) • Hisham Farid Kufaishi (TMSC COO)


  • 1:1 Digital Twin 3D Models

  • Sub-3cm mapping

  • Geo-referenced data secured by ZKP ERC20 rollups for immersive virtual experiences

  • 3D Asset Marketplace

  • Interactive Virtual Platform

  • AI Scanning Technology

  • Rent your assets within our platform

  • Subscribe to gain limited access to unowned assets

  • Scanning Services Request

  • 0% Tax Token

🤝Partners: • Smart City Technologies • TMSC | The Midnight Show • Brother Marketing • Three Protocol • Tectum • FateLabz


  • Phase 1/Q3 : Development and Launch

  • Phase 2/Q4 : Marketplace Expansion

  • Phase 3/Q1 : Business Integration

  • Phase 4/Q2 : Ecosystem Growth

  • Phase 5/Q3: Virtual Tour Development and more...

👍Join Us: • Website: • Twitter: • Telegram: • LinkedIn:

🌍Explore the limitless possibilities of integrating real-world assets into your business or project with NeoTech. Join us and be part of the future!

👀 Take a look at our Pitch Deck for a more visualized approach!

Last updated